

After starting etugueScore you will find a fullscreen window with a menu bar with the following structure

Once a score file is selected (via the "load score file" dialog) it might take some time to prebuild the data. You will see the initially blank score once the loading process is finished.

Selecting start form the Action menu will now initiate the playback of the score.


The scores for etugueScore are specified in a xml file. Here is an example:
<image href="./myimage.jpeg"/>
<randomSeed value="2349749236423476283"/>
<timeScale value="10"/>
<player ambitus="17"/>
<player ambitus="12"/>
<player ambitus="48"/>
<player ambitus="5"/>
<player ambitus="96"/>

A score is enclosed in a
<etugueScore> </etugueScore>
tag pair. inside the tag pair one has to specify a source image in a
<image href="./myimage.jpeg"/>
tag. The href can be any url. It can be relative to the location of the score file though.

next one can specify 1 up to 6 players via <player/> or <player ambitus="[some integer]"/> where [some integer] should refer to the desired ambitus of the player (number of tones in the scale. If an instrument can play three octaves (c' to c''') you might specify an ambitus of up to 3*11+1 = 34). If not specified the ambitus will be 24.

Since score generation involves a random driven sampling of the image one needs to specify a random seed (the initialization for the random number generator) to ensure that the score will be the same in every playback (a random number generator on a computer generates the same sequence of "random numbers" for a given random seed). The specification of the random seed is done via
<randomSeed value="[some long number]"/>

The <timeScale value="10"/> affects the tempo of the score the default is 10.

Other things one can specify in the score file are

The next three parameters affect the curve probing rather directly: You can experiment with them if you are unsatisfied with the lines.

Finally <penWidth value="[some float]"/> sets the width of the lines drawn. you might need to adjust it depending on the display device used.

 daytar  Ⓒ 2000-2020